DCP EP 13 – Jason Campbell of Mindvalley – Fulfillment, Travel, & Romance as a New Age Digital Employee

Most people think you need to be an entrepreneur or freelancer to travel the world as a digital nomad.

But Jason Campbell is a longtime Mindvalley employee that has earned himself the freedom to live in Bali with his drop-dead gorgeous girlfriend & work on entrepreneurial projects of his own on the side.

Breaking the paradigm of what it means to be an employee, Jason shares his journey into the unknown and how he’s managed to build his lifestyle of freedom and fulfillment while working for a big company.

As my own personal Mindvalley review, I can vouch for the companies’ excellent courses, and Jason Campbell has been featured in lots of inspiring and educational Mindvalley content over the years.

Reach Out to Jason Here: https://www.instagram.com/jasonmarccampbell/

Danny Carlson

Danny Carlson

My takes on online business, lifestyle design, and international autonomy.
Grew my agency Kenji ROI to 7 figures & 25 employees before exiting. I enjoy refining complex ideas to understand life on a deeper level.