My Custom CEO Dashboard with KPIs for Agency Management – Monitor Essential Team & Business Process

A good CEO Dashboard is an essential piece to ensuring your agency is healthy & efficient.

Every agency has a small amount of super key processes that if they aren’t getting done, will have super negative effects. How can we be sure they are happening without being a micro-manager?

Personally I use Notion for my dashboard as it’s a great software to create customized dashboards and interlinking documents. You can get $10 Notion credit here, but it’s free unless you need team members like I do:…

Take a look over my shoulder at exactly how I’ve set mine up, what KPIs I measure to make sure everything is running smoothly, how I assign tasks to team members, and how I stay organized with my own personal tasks.

Check out the Danny Carlson Podcast for more agency CEO tips:

Danny Carlson

Danny Carlson

My takes on online business, lifestyle design, and international autonomy.
Grew my agency Kenji ROI to 7 figures & 25 employees before exiting. I enjoy refining complex ideas to understand life on a deeper level.